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The 12 Principle



AA-YP Results:   

  • 100% Customized Academic Action Plan for EACH student

  • 0% behavior problems 

  • 50% of AA-YP students in middle school division enter high school a year early

  • 50% of AA-YP students in high school division enter college one year early

  • Fourteen classes have graduated to college from the academic division as of May 2024.   

  • Two classes have graduated from the Student of Promise & the HomeEducation Division as of July 2019.  

  • AA-YP graduates earn an average of thirty-two (32 credits) high school credits, and above

  • 40% have earned high school credit from studies and leadership abroad

  • 30% have served as student pages at the Alabama State Senate

  • 100% of AA-YP high school students provide a week of internship community.

  • 100% of AA-YP seniors graduate with a GPA of 3.00 (Mandatory) and above 

  • 100% of AA-YP seniors take ACT/SAT College Board Exams

  • 100% of AA-YP graduates are accepted into college

  • 88% of AA-YP graduates received full college scholarships 

  • AA-YP graduates attend two year colleges, four year colleges, and career institutions

  • 30% Clep College Courses

  • 90% of AA-YP graduates have either finished college or remain in college

  • 62% stay in the career field they chose during high school

  • Parents of AA-YP graduates have ranged from a municipal judge, IRS attorney, federal reserve administrator, corporate administrator, banking executive, business owner, grandmother on fixed income, financial scholarship recipients, and others

  • During Commencement Exercises, keynote speakers are, primarily, former AA-YP graduates who have completed college

  • 100% of student body participate in civic activities

  • At the end of the day, AA-YP's administration and parents will stand before God to give an account of their service to His young leaders;  hence, RESULTS do MATTER!  





is an

Alabama Opportunity Scholarship Fund Partner School

Jesus Christ taught and trained 12 disciples, only losing one.  These disciples went on to become leaders who would influence the world for the Kingdom of God, even to this day.  We believe that God is grooming and preparing AA-YP students to lead nationally/internationally, and the students believe that about themselves, as well. 


Because AA-YP embraces Jesus' principles for leadership development, which educates and builds leaders.   AA-YP uses that small and "intimate-boutique" brand of education delivery system for academic and leadership development.  Hence, we can have no more than twelve students to each academy education administrator.    






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2021-2022                                                    3.00                                                          100                                                          YES
2022-2023                                                    3.00                                                          100                                                          YES

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TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY                                             TUSKEGEE, AL


AA-YP Acceptance Colleges .png
US A&G Copyright 2023: TX7477151

East Campus
7504 Dennison Avenue 

Birmingham, AL 35206

West Campus
1627 Dennison Avenue, SW

Birmingham, AL 35211

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