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AA-YP Important Dates


School Begins

September 3, 2024


Fall Break

October 14th-18th, 2024


Thanksgiving Break

November 25th - 29th, 2024


Christmas Break

December 6th - January 6th, 2025












"I Believed, and I Did!"

AA--YP Approved School

Limited Enrollment for 2025-2026 School Term

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A Grand Plan

One thing is clear about any student who has come through the doors of AA-YP, God has a GRAND PLAN for their lives.  A part of what is taught to students is that they were born for greatness and that they must participate in the process at every level to become that great person and leader.   God not only wants His children to enjoy all that has been provided by Him on earth, but He also has a calling for each of His children to fulfill.  Whether that service is in the local church, in a school system, banking, medical field, entertainment, government, politics, technology, entrepreneurship, or the like, God wants them fulfilling their destiny.  Careers that God ordains will provide service in some form to others.  We hope that every student who has come through this academy's education model will remember that they have a divine mission to fulfill before Jesus returns for His church, and the Holy Spirit will help them get it accomplished.  It is exciting to know that God's GRAND PLAN for them will be more than they could have asked for or planned for themselves. 


Global Educators:
Called to 
Mold & Model!  

In God, We - Still - Trust

In God, We - Still - Trust

Academics & Leadership

Academics & Leadership

Educating Leaders

Educating Leaders

Mandatory Graduate GPA - 3.00

Mandatory Graduate GPA - 3.00



High School/College Courses

High School/College Courses



AA-YP Artificial Intelligence

AA-YP Artificial Intelligence



Computer Science

Computer Science





Leadership Development

Leadership Development

The Kingsman Society

The Kingsman Society



State & National Certifications

State & National Certifications

Personal Finance

Personal Finance

The Awakening of GREAT STUDENTS!



Greatness lies asleep in every single student, whether they know it or not. However, a student must be positioned in the RIGHT school, with the RIGHT teacher(s), and the RIGHT education curriculums and programs for that greatness to begin to awaken, bud, and grow!  


Greatness within students also flourishes when schools provide vast options and opportunities for each student to nurture and express their GREATNESS!  



Graduating in less than 4 Years?!  



                    Yes, indeed!

In most traditional educational models, everyone graduates at the same time - in four years. No matter how smart, advanced, and socially mature a student might be, the opportunity to choose early graduation has not been given to all parents and students.  


Well, at AA-YP students are not placed in a one size fits all education model or mold. ANY student who has the academic prowess, social and intellectual maturity, outstanding leadership ability, as well as parental approval has the option to apply to fast track and graduate in two years or three years.  


This young man graduated from high school two years early because of AA-YP's boutique philosophy and the individualized education model.  


At AA-YP, the mission is to create pathways for each student's academic and leadership success, as well as for student achievement, acceleration, and advancement.  



GOAL: $300,000.00

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Cash app @ $aaypmhs
Tax Deductible Gift

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